Why 6 and More?
When it comes to product positioning, expertise and knowing what you’re doing is critical. We have walked in your shoes and have spent over two decades working inside retail, food, healthcare and biopharmaceutical companies. We understand your challenges and we can help.

Precision Communication
Communications agencies and consultants are everywhere from large agencies to boutique shops. The truth is: size doesn’t matter. What matters is having the right experts and team by your side. Especially when it comes to healthcare communications where expertise and knowing what you’re doing is critical. We have walked in your shoes and have spent over two decades working inside healthcare and biopharmaceutical companies. We understand your challenges and we can help. Cutting through the clutter is harder than it’s ever been. Competition is everywhere. Communications is increasingly a strategic science where planning, timing and the right tools need to come together with expertise, intuition and precision for reach and impact.

Expertise and Intuition Matters
Today, with numerous digital channels and tools available to all of us, it is easier than ever to ‘communicate’ but that doesn’t mean that organizations and leaders are communicating effectively. Humans have five basic senses that are critical to our communications: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. The sensing organs associated with each sense send information to the brain to help us understand and perceive the world around us. And humans also have a critical sixth sense that helps us ‘see around corners.’ In all of your communications, you will need to impact your audience’s understanding and perception through their senses. We partner with you to make your imagination come to life, by combining our expertise with creativity, insights, data, and intuition.